Minor design tweaks to the Forum

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Post by FinaleForum » Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:50 pm

We have made some very minor design tweaks to the forum to improve readability.

- We have increased the size of the title on each individual message page.

- We have increased the space after the poster's username.

- We have increased the white space between each post.
tweaks.png (88.21 KiB) Viewed 23191 times

- We have changed the background color of the SIMILAR TOPICS box to white. Only posts will have background colors.

similar.png (30.26 KiB) Viewed 23191 times
These changes are very minor (some many not even notice), and you will likely have to clear your browser's cache before you can see the changes. Hopefully, they will make the forum more clearly readable. These forums tend to get cluttered quite easily.
