Forum Upgrade - UPDATED

Announcements from the Finale Forum Administrators will be made here.
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Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:12 pm
Finale Version: 25
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Post by FinaleForum » Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:15 pm

The forums have been upgraded to a new responsive design that will be better on mobile. Most of the custom mods have been moved over, but if you notice anything missing please let us know.

The new template is "flat," but you can choose the template you wish to use.

1. Click the arrow next to your username in the top bar.
2. Select User Control Panel.
3. Select Board Preferences.
4. Choose "prosilver" for the older template or "Flat Style Blue" for the newer template.
(Choosing "Flat Style" will offer orange & red icons.)
